Carol Landrum
I wanted to be a teacher from the time I learned to read and write. At twenty I started teaching seventh grade in an inner city school. But eleven years later, deeply buried emotions were triggered by my mother’s death, and I didn’t know what to do with them. I took time off and studied Reflexology, nutrition and vegetarian cooking with some incredible teachers.
When I changed my diet, I lost twenty pounds and my life-long food allergies disappeared. I felt better, had more energy and was excited to share what I was learning with my friends. That’s when I discovered my passion for helping people be physically well.
I moved to San Diego and did a master’s degree in Body Therapy. I also became a Holistic Health Practitioner and started my new career as a massage therapist. But the universe had other plans for me. When a friend handed me a brochure for a five day workshop led by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, I knew I had to go. She was a famous Swiss psychiatrist who helped people die with grace and dignity.
But instead of talking about death and dying, Elisabeth taught us how to fully live by releasing our repressed emotions. This was exactly what I needed to learn! A few months later I took Elisabeth’s Emotional Release Facilitator Training.
As I released the backlog of sadness, anger and fear from my childhood trauma, I felt freer, clearer and happier. Healthier in every way. And not long after, I met and married the love of my life.
Doing this work not only changed my life, it changed the direction of my career. I knew that helping people heal their emotions was my purpose, and what I’d come here to teach.
I’m grateful I listened to the wake-up call that my mother’s death provided. Being overwhelmed with emotions motivated me to want to heal myself. Then I was led to the people who taught me how to be healthy, physically and emotionally. It’s my joy to pass on what I’ve learned to the people who are led to me.